Krigs- og Feltpostforeningen avholder auksjon to ganger i året. En i desember og en i forbindelse med årsmøtet på våren.

Vårens auksjon ble avholdt i  forbindelse med årsmøtet 13. april.

Her finner du resultatliste og budseddel.


  1. All start prices are minimum prices in Norwegian Kroner (NOK).
  2. Bids shall be given in NOK.
  3. Objects are sold to the highest bidder. If there is only one bid, the sales price will be the minimum bid in the list. If there are more bids, the highest bid will be adjusted to 10% above the next highest. See illustrations on our web:
  4. The Society’s commission will be 10% of the sales price.
  5. Postage and handling will be charged to the actual rates. Objects/lots with sales price > NOK 5.000 will be sent in registered letters if other not should be wanted.
  6. Won lots will be invoiced in NOK. Payment by bank transfer, in cash in a registered letter or via PayPal.  Via PayPal, please add 5% for the PayPal fee.  Checks are not accepted.
  7. The auctioneer reserves the right to withdraw any lot before and during the auction.
  8. Quality is average unless other mentioned.
  9. Bids must be given via the post or e-mail to:

 John Torstad, , Gausdalsgt. 162b, NO-2615 Lillehammer, Norway